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Address Hotels + Resorts
在宏伟的户外场所 Luma 泳池酒廊见证迪拜天际线的神奇转变。夜幕降临,整个城市灯火通明,为别具一格的用餐体验缔造令人难以置信的背景。在现场烧烤和手工披萨台品尝美食盛宴,感受地中海风味与黎凡特美食的丰富融合。Luma 泳池酒廊点缀各式迷人的装置,是日落和摄影爱好者向往的天堂,真诚希望给宾客留下美好回忆和精彩瞬间。餐厅全天供应精心调制的鸡尾酒和无酒精鸡尾酒 ,提供精心策划的水烟体验,有传统风味、俄罗斯风味、专享鱼子酱系列,可谓应有尽有。了解 Luma 泳池酒廊最新优惠详情:非凡水烟体验Happy Hour(狂欢时光)
The Restaurant At Address Creek Harbour in Dubai is the perfect place to enjoy a delicious meal with breathtaking views of the Dubai Creek. With its luxurious bar, timeless culinary classics, and innovative cocktails, this restaurant is sure to take you on a journey of senses. Whether you’re looking for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or drinks, this restaurant has something for everyone. Enjoy the outdoor seating, valet parking, and free wifi, all while admiring the majestic views of Dubai Creek. Make a reservation today and experience a truly unforgettable dining experience!